Guns in the Sky

THis is a work in progress

Guns in the Sky is a game where a squadron of fighters is tasked with escorting a bomber run through enemy territory. You will need to use your skills and tactics to keep the bombers safe while fending off enemy fighters. Be sure to stay close to the bombers, as they will be vulnerable without your protection.

The enemy IA is controlled by a combination of state machines and steering behaviours. Their script allows them to have complex behaviours with not a lot of programming. One of the biggest challenges for the game was to make the plane controls feel good. I tried a lot of different control schemes, but eventually, I landed on using a control scheme that would feel natural for anyone who had played a game before, by just making the planes follow the cursor.

The other big challenge was making sure that the game was balanced. I wanted to make sure that the player had a fair chance of winning, but we also wanted to make sure that the game was challenging enough to be fun. The IA at the start was very good at chasing and killing the player, so minor changes were needed.

I also wanted to make sure that the game was visually appealing. A friend of mine spent a lot of time making sure that the sprites looked good, and we think that it paid off. Also a lot of post processing was added for make the visuals better.

My asset, InfiniTile was used to make the backgorund move endlessly

In the end, I am very happy with how the game is turning out, and I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.